Great place to shop! Your first stop for jewelry in Fayetteville. Family owned and the customer service is excellent with a “no pressure” atmosphere. I highly recommend!

More than a billion years ago, below the earth’s surface and under extreme pressure and high heat, carbon atoms bonded tightly and created diamond. Formed through natural forces underground, diamonds rose to Earth’s surface through volcanic activity. Transported by magma, the world’s hardest mineral moved upward to the surface and is found worldwide today. First discovered in India in the 4th century B.C. diamonds were, and still are today, one of the world’s most beautiful and coveted objects on the planet.

Natural Diamonds
Natural diamonds form within the earth under extreme heat and pressure. Comprised of 99.95% carbon, diamonds are the only element constructed of a single element, as the remaining 0.05% are trace elements not part of the mineral’s essential chemistry. Diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring material found on Earth, as well as one of the most sought.
Lab-Grown Diamonds
Lab-Grown diamonds are created to look like and possess the optical, chemical, and physical attributes of natural diamonds. Lab diamonds look and feel like natural diamonds, but the difference is in their origin. Whereas natural diamonds are formed within the earth, lab diamonds are grown with specialized equipment used by professionals. In addition to being grown, lab diamonds are often less costly than natural diamonds.

Before exploring diamond options, it’s always a good idea to:
1. Familiarize yourself with the 4 C’s and their scales. This will help you determine what is most important to you in buying a diamond. Is it the color? Carat weight? Cut? Clarity or number of inclusions? Then explore options based on what is most important to you and your specific needs.
2. Select your favorite shape. Often the easiest way to help narrow down options is starting with the shape of the diamond you prefer. Is it a Round Brilliant Full Cut or Marquis? Princess or Oval?
3. Ensure you’re buying a certified diamond. Diamonds must include a digital or physical certification from an independent, professional institution, such as the GIA or AGS, to prove authenticity and quality.

Created in the 1940s by the Gemological Institute of American (GIA), the 4 C’s is a universal measurement standard accepted by jewelers worldwide. Used to determine and communicate the quality of diamonds, the 4 C’s includes metrics for the following: Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat (weight).
“Cut” on the GIA scale refers to the cut of the diamond, or the proportion and arrangement of its facets. The cut determines the brilliance, sparkle, and fire of the diamond. The scale ranges from Excellent to Poor, and each diamond is ranked based on this property.
A second property that diamonds are measured by is Color. The color scale is used to determine the absence or lack of color in a diamond. The clearer the diamond, or lacking yellow, the higher the color ranking. This scale is measured from D or colorless to Z.
The next property that is commonly measured is Clarity. This property examines inclusions on the surface and inside the diamond. This scale ranges from Internally Flawless to Included. The fewer inclusions, the higher the ranking.
Carat is a direct measurement that accounts for the diamond’s weight, not its size, as most believe. However, since there is a direct correlation between size and weight, it makes sense to assume a 2-carat diamond weighs more / is larger than a 1-carat diamond.

Diamonds are available in many shapes, and any size. Diamond shape refers to the outward appearance of the stone or the diamond’s outline. The most popular diamond shape is Round, but many other ‘fancy shapes’ are available, including: Asscher; Cushion; Emerald; Heart; Marquis; Oval; Pear; Princess; and Radiant.

Diamonds are often certified by professional independent institutions, including the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and American Gem Society (AGS). Other certifying entities include the International Gemological Institute (IGI), the Gem Certification & Assurance Lab (GCAL), and HRD Antwerp. Certifications are an essential part of diamond buying, as they detail the quality/characteristics of the stone and guarantee authenticity. To conduct certification tests for diamonds, trained professionals utilize special equipment to assess the cut, color, clarity, and carat of individual stones. Then the certified diamond specialist must create a graphic representation of its proportions and plot a diagram of its clarity characteristics. Certifications can often include information regarding symmetry, shape, polish, fluorescence, or dimensions. During the certification process, most diamonds are laser-inscribed with a unique number that correlates to the number on the diamond’s certification. This means that, under magnification, gemologists and novices alike can visually confirm that the diamond in hand matches the certification.
Outstanding store, employees, and jewelry. If you have not visited this location please do, you will be pleasantly surprised.