Shout out to Hinkamp Jewelers for saving my bridal set from a sticky situation…Hinkamp’s expertise is unrivaled!  They will forever have my heartfelt gratitude.

Mary Goode

Customer Review

The best way to care for your jewelry is to have periodic, in-store inspections by certified professionals. Hinkamp Jewelers uses their knowledge and expertise to provide customers with a three-step jewelry cleaning, free of charge, while you wait, even if your jewelry was not purchased from Hinkamp. We often recommend you allow 30 minutes for your cleaning to ensure we have ample time to soak off unwanted debris. On rare occasions, we are unable to perform a cleaning. However, for quick at-home cleaning, try our cleaning solution, available in-store for purchase.

Hinkamp Jewelers also offers free jewelry inspections. We recommend that frequently worn jewelry, such as engagement or wedding rings, be checked at least two times per year.